Paper Prototyping

Worcester Cathedral Learning Team: Weeknotes 4 - this week from Harriet

Daniel Parnell


Design constraints

We are now half-way through the Catalyst programme! We are getting closer to being able to present to our users in a couple of weeks’ time, and as a team we are excited for the next stage.

This week was jam packed and after we settled on our problem last week and looking at our ‘How might we…’, we can start focusing on our prototype. This week we looked into our Design Constraints and Service Blueprints, and ended the week making paper zines of our prototype.

For our design constraints we used our ‘How Might We…’ to refine our specific user group and their need, and what we can do to address that. We had to ensure that our prototype was specific enough and scoped so that it was achievable and small enough to test. It was nice to work alongside other cohorts who had a similar focus and hear feedback on each other’s work.

We decided on:

Our design constraint statement

We did realise during the session that testing the prototype in the Cathedral might cause issues. For the next 5 weeks, the time left on the project, is the time we have to wait until the Cathedral reopens! Doug had some good suggestions to combat this, particularly ensuring we have a testing plan in place. We also thought that we don’t necessarily need to have the families in the Cathedral for this and maybe work on the MLP version. Either way we have some good ideas to be working on for the next 5 weeks and we are both looking forward to the next stage. We are working towards a prototype of an app we have called ‘Meet the King’, where users can engage in activities and ‘meet’ King John in a video.

Closing comments of the session looked at identifying our competitors or market leaders in the sector and borrowing from them- this is our homework!

Service Blueprints

We worked in smaller groups again to look at our service blueprints. The examples looked quite complicated at first as we have to think of everything that needs to happen, including what the user cannot see. Laura and Doug talked us through the process, using the example of a restaurant and then the stripped back version or MLP of a food truck. It was difficult to begin, but focusing on the user and their journey was a good place to start. Again, it was nice to be in smaller groups who had a similar focus and work on these service blueprints together. Although it was a difficult task, breaking the process down into smaller logical steps and finding the connection points was really useful. The session ended looking ahead to user testing, something we need to think about carefully due to restrictions.

Paper prototyping

Dan’s Zine — or some of it

In the final session of the week we worked with Bryan to make Zines of prototypes. It was actually quite a fun process, and something I will definitely try and remember how to do! Although my drawings were quite terrible in comparison to others, I felt that the Zine helped to really focus on our issue and how the app will combat that. It was interesting to see how they differed within our team, but reassuring to see the similarities.

It was nice to see what other charities had created in the time we had, and let our creative sides out in the last session of the week.

Office Hours

We went to Office Hours this week too as it was quite tech focused. Laura and Doug gave us some suggestions of web developer tools and some sites that would be useful for our specific prototype. looked particularly relevant to us as the site offers lots of activities that are all interactive. We will need to have a look and identify what would suit our needs but it all looks promising!

Some browser dev tools:



Daniel Parnell
Writer for

Learning, Cathedrals, Education, trying to be more digital